Nowadays creating WordPress websites is very common and an effective way to promote the business. The website also depicts the company and its services as well. That’s why most of the people take services of different IT firms to create websites for their business. Or you can also create your WordPress website on your own. But before starting the process you have to choose any hosting site. Many companies are providing hosting services or you can create your own hosting account as well through different free hosting sites.
Step 1#
So after creating an account on your chosen hosting site, the first step is to create your database. Go straight to your cpanel and then create the database.
Step 2#
After creating database, the next step is to set the user name and password for your database. The password must be unique and strong to avoid any security breaches.
Step 3#
In the third step, you are required to assign username to the database, that you created in the previous step. Select your username and database from respective dropdowns and click on the “Add” button.
Step 4#
Now you come to the page where you have to set privileges for the user to the database. You can either select all the options or the options of your choice.
Step 5# Now at this step you have to install WordPress for further proceedings There are several ways to achieve this goal. Some use the command line, others use a web server, and still others use a local file system, but you can install WordPress using the command line and then create a pre-configured site that uses front page. You can download WordPress by following this link
Step 6# After downloading WordPress zip file, go to your download folder or where you have placed your WordPress file and upload that file to your hosting site or server where you have created your WordPress hosting account.
And then click on the “extract file” button to extract the zip files of the WordPress you installed.
Step 7#
Very Nice! You are all set now. Go ahead and hit your website URL ( . Then you will come on the language’s selection page. Here you have to choose the language for your website. The language is the first impression of your website so choose a language that everyone could easily understand.
After setting language preferences WordPress will give you a gentle reminder for your convenience that whether you have saved your database name, username, passwords, WordPress host, etc, to prevent your data from being lost. If you have already done it then click on the button “lets go” to continue.

Step 8#
In this step enter all the required information that you already been saved, needed to set up your WordPress site.